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Wellington School

Wellington School

Providing an excellent all-round education...

Welcome to Wellington School

Founded in 1837, Wellington School is a co-educational, day and boarding school set in a small town and surrounded by the beautiful Somerset countryside. We offer a strong academic curriculum, broad co-curricular opportunities, excellent pastoral care and a clear sense of values. Our Prep School and Senior School welcome pupils from 3-11 and 11-18.

We hope that you will visit us and feel the warmth, vibrancy and sense of purpose, which imbues our School.

School Aims

Nisi Dominus Frustra:  ‘Apart from God, our labour is in vain.’

There should be no such thing as a typical Wellington School pupil. To that end, the aims of Wellington School are:

•  Superb academic results

• High level of Russell Group University or equivalent entries – 77% last year

• Extensive Sporting Facilities: Olympics level sports facilities.  Unique Sports and Wellbeing Department with Elite Development opportunities for excellent athletes.  Close ties with Somerset County Cricket and Exeter Chiefs and Bath Rugby Academies.

• Acclaimed Music School – England’s first All Steinway School. Superb level of performance and tuition. Over 35 groups, choirs and ensembles including the acclaimed Chapel Choir

• Vibrant Drama department – professional Director in Residence, extensive programme of performances

• Down to earth atmosphere, delightful pupils

• Nurturing environment, excellent pastoral care

• CCF Cadets, Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, challenging Outdoor Education Department

•  “Happy pupils – happy parents” – The Good Schools Guide

In pursuit of these aims, the School will combine the best of received wisdom and modern innovation; encourage a partnership between School and parents; develop the professional capacities of its staff; invest in first-class facilities and continue its strong association with the local community.


We'd be very pleased to hear from you. You can write, telephone or email as you wish:

Wellington School
South Street
TA21 8NT 
For general enquiries to Wellington Senior School / Sixth Form (11-18 years) please contact Reception:
Tel: 01823 668803

For general enquiries to Wellington Prep School (3-11 years) please contact Maria Kerr:
Tel: 01823 668710

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